Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summertime, I love you

I love summertime! A few reasons why:

1. the weather is just gorgeous... and when it gets too hot it's just a good excuse to eat another popsicle.
2. I can study outside and don't have to be cooped indoors with a blanket
3. fresh fruits and veggies everywhere - especially scrumptious from the Farmer's Market
4. birds singing in the morning... and afternoon... and night!
5. rolly pollies and other neat bugs
6. less people on campus meaning less cars in the parking lot!
7. swimming
8. cold water
9. Creamies
10. it is light outside when I wake up!
11. road trips (San Diego!)
12. warm nights - perfect for good walks
13. outdoor sports
14. smell of fresh-cut grass
15. hikes!
16. cut-offs and t-shirts
17. running through the sprinklers
18. watching the puffy clouds
19. smelling the flowers
20. looking at the beautiful flowers
21. gardens
22. climbing trees

ok, those are just a few... but I was just thinking about how grateful I am to be here in Utah during this beautiful time of year! Summertime, I love you.

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